News & Events
Find out what we're up to when we're not in the field!
The Month's Events
What's New At PacMam?
Listen to PacMam's Guest Episode on Whale Tales Podcast!
Research Director Dr. Cindy Elliser and Assistant Research Director Kat White were featured on episode 078 of the Whale Tales Podcast, sharing more about PacMam's work in the Salish Sea. Whale Tales is a place where naturalists, researchers, and whale enthusiasts can come together to connect, share, and save their whale tales. Listen to the full episode below or on your favorite podcatcher.

Toki TV Feature
Dr. Cindy Elliser and her work with Pacific Mammal Research was recently featured on Toki TV! Toki TV was established by Orca Network in 2022 to support and spread awareness on the efforts to retire Tokitae/Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut to her home waters in the Salish Sea. After Toki passed in August of 2023, the show has continued in her honor and for her legacy to educate and support the plight of her family and other orcas in captivity.

Listen to the
PacMam Podcast
While the PacMam Podcast has officially wrapped and we are not currently creating new episodes, you can still listen to all 4 years of fun learning about marine mammals, new research, and current environmental issues!